主题Levites, The (利未人 )
 - 是雅各第三个儿子的后裔
      创 29:34  来 7:9,10 

 - 关于利未人的预言
      创 49:5,7  申 33:8-11 

 - 起出由三个家族组成
      民 3:17  代上 6:16-48 

 - 未与以色列人一同被数点
      民 1:47-49 

 - 满月的利未人被另外数点
      民 3:14-16,39 

 - 被数点的利未家族
   . 革顺
        民 3:18,21,22 

   . 哥辖
        民 3:19,27,28 

   . 米拉利
        民 3:20,33,34 

 - 由上帝拣选, 从事圣所的服事
      代上 15:2  民 3:6 

 - 被分别为圣
      民 8:6,14 

 - 被拣选, 代替头生的以色列人
      民 3:12,13,40-45  8:16-18 

 - 对抗偶像崇拜的热忱是其受命的目标
      出 32:26-28  申 33:9,10 

 - 二十五岁开始服事
      民 8:24 

 - 三十岁时以神职人员身份被数点
      民 4:3,23-49 

 - 五十岁时卸任
      民 8:25 

 - 卸任后须执行较不费力的职责
      民 8:26 

 - 利未人承接圣职的仪式
   . 清洗洁净
        民 8:7 

   . 为利未人献赎罪祭
        民 8:8,12 

   . 以色列长老按手在他们头上
        民 8:9,10 

   . 将他们呈到上帝面前, 作为百姓的献祭
        民 8:11,15 

   . 使他们站在祭司面前, 将他们当作摇祭呈给耶和华
        民 8:13 

 - 赐给亚伦与其子孙
      民 3:9  8:19 

 - 在帐幕的四围安营
      民 1:50,52,53  3:23,29,35 

 - 在以色列的中心游行
      民 2:17 

 - 利未人的服事
   . 事奉耶和华
        申 10:8 

   . 事奉祭司
        民 3:6,7  18:2 

   . 事奉百姓
        代下 35:3 

   . 掌管圣所
        民 18:3  代上 23:32 

   . 看守圣器具与圣器皿
        民 3:8  代上 9:28,29 

   . 看管圣油、面粉等
        代上 9:29,30 

   . 看管圣库
        代上 26:20 

   . 负责收十一奉献、供物等
        代下 31:11-19  尼 12:44 

   . 从事帐幕的服事
        民 8:19,22 

   . 拆卸、支搭并搬运帐幕
        民 1:50,51  4:5-33 

   . 为祭司预备献祭
        代上 23:31  代下 35:11 

   . 预备摆列陈设饼
        代上 9:31,32  23:29 

   . 洁净圣物
        代上 23:28 

   . 制定重量单位和度量单位
        代上 23:29 

   . 教导百姓
        代下 17:8,9  30:22  35:3  尼 8:7 

   . 为百姓祝福
        申 10:8 

   . 看守圣殿大门
        代上 9:17-26  23:5  代下 35:15  尼 12:25 

   . 指挥圣乐
        代上 23:5-30  代下 5:12,13  尼 12:24,27-43 

   . 在军队前面唱赞美诗
        代下 20:21,22 

   . 判断裁决纠纷
        申 17:9  代上 23:4  代下 19:8 

 - 有危机时护卫王与王的殿宇
      王下 11:5-9  代下 23:5-7 

 - 在以色列中没有地业
      申 10:9  书 13:33  14:3 

 - 犹太人当仁慈对待利未人
      申 12:12,18,19  14:29  16:11,14 

 - 指派了四十八座有广大郊野的城邑给利未人
      民 35:2-8 

 - 十一奉献交给利未人, 以供应他们所需
      民 18:21,24  代下 31:4,5  尼 12:44,45  来 7:5 

 - 一定要将十一奉献的十分之一交给祭司
      民 18:26-32 

 - 保有供物的一部份
      申 18:1,2 

 - 大卫
   . 最先数点三十岁以上的利未人
        代上 23:2-3 

   . 将他们分为四类
        代上 23:4-6 

   . 遗嘱吩咐要数点二十岁以上的利未人
        代上 23:24,27 

   . 由于他们责任较轻, 命他们从二十岁开始服事
        代上 23:26,28-32 

   . 细分利未人为二十四个班次
        代上 23:6  25:8-31 

   . 命他们出席班次
        代下 8:14  31:17 

 - 被掳归回后在班次中服事
      拉 6:18 

 - 有首领或族长管理他们
      民 3:24,30,35  代上 15:4-10  代下 35:9  拉 8:29 

 - 全部在大祭司副手的掌控之下
      民 3:32  代上 9:20 

 - 有服事时住在圣殿四围
      代上 9:27 

 - 逾越祭司职分者处以死刑
      民 18:3 

 - 可拉等利未人献香的惩罚
      民 16:1-35 
 - Descended from Jacob's third son
      Ge 29:34  Heb 7:9,10 

 - Prophecies respecting
      Ge 49:5,7  De 33:8-11 

 - Originally consisted for three families or divisions
      Nu 3:17  1Ch 6:16-48 

 - Not numbered with Israel
      Nu 1:47-49 

 - Numbered separately after the people from a month old
      Nu 3:14-16,39 

   . Of Gershom
        Nu 3:18,21,22 

   . Of Kohath
        Nu 3:19,27,28 

   . Of Merari
        Nu 3:20,33,34 

 - Chosen by God for service of the sanctuary
      1Ch 15:2  Nu 3:6 

 - Were consecrated
      Nu 8:6,14 

 - Taken instead of the first-born of Israel
      Nu 3:12,13,40-45  8:16-18 

 - Zeal against idolatry a cause of their appointment
      Ex 32:26-28  De 33:9,10 

 - Entered on their service at twenty-five years of age
      Nu 8:24 

 - Numbered as ministers at thirty
      Nu 4:3,23-49 

 - Superannuated at fifty
      Nu 8:25 

 - When superannuated required to perform the less arduous
      Nu 8:26 

   . Cleansing and purifying
        Nu 8:7 

   . Making a sin-offering for
        Nu 8:8,12 

   . Elders of Israel laying their hands on them
        Nu 8:9,10 

   . Presenting them to God as an offering for the people
        Nu 8:11,15 

   . Setting before the priest and presenting them as their
     offering to God
        Nu 8:13 

 - Given to Aaron and sons
      Nu 3:9  8:19 

 - Encamped round the tabernacle
      Nu 1:50,52,53  3:23,29,35 

 - Marched in the centre of Israel
      Nu 2:17 

   . Ministering to the Lord
        De 10:8 

   . Ministering to priests
        Nu 3:6,7  18:2 

   . Ministering to the people
        2Ch 35:3 

   . Keeping the charge of the sanctuary
        Nu 18:3  1Ch 23:32 

   . Keeping sacred instruments and vessels
        Nu 3:8  1Ch 9:28,29 

   . Keeping sacred oil, flour, &c
        1Ch 9:29,30 

   . Keeping sacred treasures
        1Ch 26:20 

   . Taking charge of the tithes, offerings, &c
        2Ch 31:11-19  Ne 12:44 

   . Doing the service of tabernacle
        Nu 8:19,22 

   . Taking down, putting up, and carrying the tabernacle, &c
        Nu 1:50,51  4:5-33 

   . Preparing the sacrifices for the priests
        1Ch 23:31  2Ch 35:11 

   . Preparing the show bread
        1Ch 9:31,32  23:29 

   . Purifying the holy things
        1Ch 23:28 

   . Regulating weights and measures
        1Ch 23:29 

   . Teaching the people
        2Ch 17:8,9  30:22  35:3  Ne 8:7 

   . Blessing the people
        De 10:8 

   . Keeping the gates of the temple
        1Ch 9:17-26  23:5  2Ch 35:15  Ne 12:25 

   . Conducting the sacred music
        1Ch 23:5-30  2Ch 5:12,13  Ne 12:24,27-43 

   . Singing praises before the army
        2Ch 20:21,22 

   . Judging and deciding in controversies
        De 17:9  1Ch 23:4  2Ch 19:8 

 - Guarded king's person and house in times of danger
      2Ki 11:5-9  2Ch 23:5-7 

 - Had no inheritance in Israel
      De 10:9  Jos 13:33  14:3 

 - The Jews to be kind and benevolent to
      De 12:12,18,19  14:29  16:11,14 

 - Eight and forty cities with extensive suburbs, appointed for
      Nu 35:2-8 

 - The tithes given to, for their support
      Nu 18:21,24  2Ch 31:4,5  Ne 12:44,45  Heb 7:5 

 - Bound to give a tenth of their tithes to the priests
      Nu 18:26-32 

 - Had a part of their offerings
      De 18:1,2 

   . Numbered them first from thirty years old
        1Ch 23:2-3 

   . Divided them into four classed
        1Ch 23:4-6 

   . By his last words had them numbered from twenty years old
        1Ch 23:24,27 

   . Made them serve from twenty on account of the lightness of
     their duties
        1Ch 23:26,28-32 

   . Subdivided into 24 courses
        1Ch 23:6  25:8-31 

   . Made them attend in courses
        2Ch 8:14  31:17 

 - Served in courses after captivity
      Ezr 6:18 

 - Had chiefs or officers over them
      Nu 3:24,30,35  1Ch 15:4-10  2Ch 35:9  Ezr 8:29 

 - Were all under control of the high priest's deputy
      Nu 3:32  1Ch 9:20 

 - While in attendance lodged around the temple
      1Ch 9:27 

 - Punished with death for encroaching on the priestly office
      Nu 18:3 

 - Punishment of Korah and others of, for offering incense
      Nu 16:1-35 
