05440 ![]() 說明:CBOL原文字典以並列的英文字典內容為根據,但是參考了希伯來文 與希臘文字典作過修正補充刪減。因此內容與英文字典不同,敬請留意。 |
5440 phulakterion {foo-lak-tay'-ree-on} 由 5442 衍生的中性詞 ; 中性名詞 欽定本 - phylactery 1; 1 1) 禱告帶, 禱告匣 ( 太 23:5 ) 1a)猶太人用這個字來描述細長的羊皮卷上記載下列摩西律法的經文 " 出 13:1-16 申 6:4-9 , 11:13-21 " 而且這羊皮卷被收藏在子盒裡. 他們習慣在禱告時, 用皮帶繫緊在前額, 以及靠在心部位的左臂上,為的是 慎重提醒自己, 有責任在額頭上及在心上保持神的誡命, 這是依據在 出 13:16 , 申 6:8 , 11:18 所給予的指示.這些捲軸被認為是有能力的, 像護身符一樣, 可以防止各類惡者及驅魔.法利賽人習慣把經卷擴大以引人注目, 以顯出他們比 大多數的人更渴慕被神的律法提醒. |
05440 φυλακτήριον, ου, τό 名詞 「保護物,保護的方法」,尤為「護身符」。後為猶太人的禱告帶,此禱告帶(即小一個小盒子,裡面有經文,當時猶太人根據 申6:8 ,在禱告時,將盒子放在額頭上及手臂上),可以避免魔鬼的騷擾,被認為有如護身符; 太23:5 。* 說明 |
5440 phulakterion {foo-lak-tay'-ree-on} neuter of a derivative of 5442;; n n AV - phylactery 1; 1 1) a fortified place provided with a garrison, a station for a guard or garrison 2) a preservative or safeguard , an amulet. The Jews used this word to describe small strips of parchment on which were written the following passages of the law of Moses, Ex. 13:1-10, 11-16; Dt. 6:4-9, 11:13-21, and which, enclosed in small cases, they were accustomed when engaged in prayer to wear fastened by a leather strap to the forehead and to the left arm over against the heart, in order that they might thus be solemnly reminded of the duty of keeping the commands of God in the head and in the heart, according to the directions given in Ex. 13:16, Dt. 6:8, 11:18; These scrolls were thought to have the power, like amulets, to avert various evils and to drive away demons. The Pharisees were accustomed to widen, make broad, their phylacteries, that they might render them more conspicuous and show themselves to be more eager than the majority to be reminded of the law of God. |